Looking for: Prednisone (Oral Route) - Mayo Clinic. Click here Most Drugs Are Still Safe To Use Years After Their Expiration Date : Shots - Health News : NPR The manufacturer sets medication expiration dates, and they do not always mean that the medication stops working after that date. Some medications can be harmful or cause health risks if taken after their expiration date. Storing your medications as instructed on their labels can help them keep their potency until their expiration date. There are a few different ways you can dispose of expired prescriptions and over-the-counter items, depending on what they are. The safest way is to bring your medications to a drug take-back location. When was the last time you looked through your medicine cabinet for expired medications? So what do you do with these expired medications? Sincethe FDA has regulated the expiration dating of medications to improve medication safety. Manufacturers often set an in...