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Benzac breakout. How to Treat Acne with Benzoyl Peroxide

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Benzac breakout.Benzac AC 5% Gel 15 gm


Особое предложение: Цена 327,00 грн. Светодиодные светильники - наиболее распространенные приборы для освещения аквариумов. Аквариумные рыбки - самые неприхотливые домашние питомцы. Они отнимают минимум времени, не создают шума, не портят мебель, их не нужно ежегодно возить на прививки. Красивый аквариум с яркими жителями будет радовать глаз и вполне может стать украшением интерьера.



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Benzac AC 5% Gel 15 gm

Benzac AC 5% Gel 15 gm belongs to the class of medication called ‘antibacterial agents' primarily used to treat bacterial skin infections like acne (pimples). Acne is a skin condition that occurs when the hair follicles become plugged with oil and dead skin cells.

Benzac AC 5% Gel 15 gm contains ‘Benzoyl Peroxide’ that kills bacteria, reduces inflammation and unplugs blocked pores. Benzac AC 5% Gel 15 gm decomposes to release oxygen when applied to the skin. This oxygen acts as a bactericidal agent and kills Propionibacterium acnes, the bacteria that causes acne. Benzac AC 5% Gel 15 gm increases the turnover rate of epithelial cells (cells that line the surface of the skin), eventually helps in peeling the skin and treating comedones (skin-coloured, small bumps due to acne). Benzac AC 5% Gel 15 gm also has a mild drying effect that allows excess oils and dirt to be washed away from the skin.

Benzac AC 5% Gel 15 gm is for external use only. Avoid contact with eyes, eyelids, lips, mouth and nose. If the medicine comes in contact with any of these areas, rinse with water immediately. Do not use Benzac AC 5% Gel 15 gm on sunburned, windburned, dry, or irritated skin. Common side effects of Benzac AC 5% Gel 15 gm include dry skin, erythema (skin redness), burning sensation, itching, skin irritation, swelling, blistering, crusting, and skin rash.

Let your doctor know if you use any prescription and non-prescription medications you are taking, jabon benzac wash vitamins, before starting Benzac AC 5% Gel 15 gm. Your skin may become more sensitive in the sunlight, hence always use sunscreen and protective clothing before you step outdoors. Care should be taken while applying Benzac AC 5% Gel 15 gm on sensitive areas, such as the neck. Avoid Benzac AC 5% Gel 15 gm contact with hair or fabrics since it has bleaching properties. Please limit the use of products that contain large amounts of alcohol (astringents, shaving creams or after-shave lotions), hair removal products, and products containing lime or spices while using Benzac AC 5% Gel 15 gm. It is essential to let your doctor know if you are pregnant, planning to conceive or a breastfeeding mother.


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